Hi All,
We unloaded and sorted the latest firing of 195 pots! Some really nice ones, and a couple of experimental glazes (will put up photo later of these).
So lots of nice things to come and look at. Do call in, we are open from 10 to 6pm. Alan.
Hi All,
We unloaded and sorted the latest firing of 195 pots! Some really nice ones, and a couple of experimental glazes (will put up photo later of these).
So lots of nice things to come and look at. Do call in, we are open from 10 to 6pm. Alan.
Alan Gaillard’s shiny new website is now up and running – All comments and suggestions welcome, to mail@alangaillard.com.
To celebrate I am giving 10% off all pottery on St Patrick’s Day, Thursday 17th March.
There have been lots of changes to the website – an evolving process – Have a look – Also there is a new catalogue uploaded.
Thanks to everyone for their patience waiting for the new site – and special thanks to Ruan at IOweb for his!
Look forward to seeing you at the Studio here in Connemara. Regards, all. Alan